A Sacrament is a special sign of God’s presence. Sacraments are God’s gift to the church, and it is through these Sacraments that we fully become members of God’s family. Candidates become part of the life and work of the community.
The Northern Beaches Parish Sacramental Program is family-based preparation. Families attend sessions guided by the Sacramental Co-ordinator, teachers or other parishioners. Candidates work through their booklets at home.
Baptised children are eligible for reception of the following Sacraments;
Reconciliation (also called Confession or Penance) helps us reconnect with God. It is a celebration of God’s love and mercy. Reconciliation is a ritual of healing and forgiveness and provides the opportunity to restore relationships and make peace with those who have been affected by our hurtful behaviour. Reconciliation includes confessing our sins and receiving the forgiveness of God through the ministry of the priest. After First Reconciliation, we may take part in this sacrament as often as we like.
Reconciliation: for children from Year 3 onwards.
Confirmation expresses growth and learning within the Catholic faith and signifies a “sealing” of an individual’s connection to the church. During Confirmation, the candidate is once again anointed with oil, renewing the promises made at Baptism.
Confirmation: for children from Year 4 onwards.
First Eucharist
The Eucharist (also called Holy Communion) serves as an act of spiritual thanks and is considered the most important sacrament of Catholic life, where we receive the Body and Blood of Christ, in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. After First Eucharist, a person may receive as often as they attend Mass.
Eucharist: for children from Year 4 onwards.
For any queries regarding the Parish Sacramental Program, please contact the co-ordinator at sacraments.nbp@cairns.catholic.org.au If a family is looking to start their child on his or her faith journey as a member of the Catholic faith and would like to enquire about Baptism, they can contact the Parish Secretary at northernbeaches.parish@cairns.catholic.org.au who will set up a plan for preparation with Fr Dariusz, the Parish Priest.